Monday, July 23, 2007

BP and the Environment

The news has had some stories floating around about BP, a major refinery. With all the talk about the environment and ways people can do their part to keep it clean, BP is doing their part in taking the appropriate steps but so many facts have been severely misrepresented lately.

BP Whiting Refinery is doing so much for the environment. Just to give you an idea I want to discuss a few things they do. First of all BP does not release nasty sludge into Lake Michigan. They release 99.9% treated water instead. They also provide fuel for the Midwest! Also, in the last 4 years BP has lowered the dumping of solid waste up to 40%! Just imagine the impact that is doing to improve the environment! As far as jobs and the continuation of this environmentally aware company many more job opportunities are becoming available now and in the future. If you want to know more about this company you can read the Chicago Tribune Article. Also another good read on this company is a factual and fair article that brings out the truth. Or as always you can check out this company’s fact sheet so you can see what else they are doing.

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