Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Thrills and Chills

One scary story I once read was called “Harold”. Here it is: Two young farmer boys decided to be roommates and take care of their own crop so they could begin their new lives as adults. Once there long day or planting they decided to make a scare crow so their new crops wouldn’t be ruined by bird and other animals. They build the scarecrow from old material and straw that they had in the barn. It was the most hideously ugly looking thing they had ever seen. It was fat with a mangled sewn face and short stringy hair. They decided to name him Harold. That night the boys were drinking and began making fun of the scarecrow and rubbing food in its face. They pinned up Harold in the field. One of them noticed the food was wiped off form his face.
“Hey, Mike”
“Did you happen to wipe this guy’s face off?”
“No, why would I do that it is a stupid scarecrow” he whacked it on the head and chuckled.

Well, one day the following week one of the boys had to head to town for a little supply shopping. He was gone all day. When he returned just before sunset he noticed something on the roof as he peered closer at it, it was Harold stretching a piece of skin, the size of a body to dry on the roof. This story scared me because of the eerie ending with the scarecrow killing one of the farmer boys.

This story relates to the 1408 movie starring John Cusack because it has that spookiness that everyone enjoys. I always enjoy a good scare.

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